(Other lists of links:  Algebra, Geometry, Intermediate Algebra, Pre-Calculus.)   

Here are some websites that can help you if you have difficulty with some of the topics in Pre-Algebra, or if you just want to explore and learn more. 


KHAN ACADEMY  (Online videos of various math topics, various levels; EXCELLENT site) 

PUBLISHER'S VIDEOS  (These videos go with a different textbook, but are very useful to anyone needing to learn or review PreAlgebra)

COORDINATE GRAPHING  This is a page of links I've found just on coordinate graphing (points, slope, graphing equations) Pre-Algebra (very good site) (Some worked-out problems from our textbook)

Pre-Algebra - Math for Morons Like Us

AAA Math

Purplemath (see "Preliminary" and some "Beginning Algebra" topics)

Fun Math Lessons (mainly pre-algebra topics)

Self-instructional Mathematics Tutorials (see "Review of Math Skills..." near bottom of page)

Pre-Algebra Solutions

Pre-Algebra Help (start part-way down the page)

Absurd Math ("Pre-algebra from another dimension;" an on-line game)

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