For when to retake a test, there are three choices.

1.  You may retake math tests any Monday at 1:00.  Just show up, no appointment needed.  However, students MUST bring the corrections assignment stapled on top of the original test in order to be allowed to retake the test (If they forget to bring it from home that day, I'll let them take the test, but I won't grade it until they bring in the assignment and original test)

2.  You may retake math tests in the back of the classroom during classes in the week.  Things you need to know about this (First is that these times require a reservation):
3.  You may retake math tests during the testing week at the end of each month.  You would take your own test, and then come in during one of the other test times in order to retake a past test.  You do not need a reservation to do this during testing week; just show up at one of my classes during testing week (same list as above) and bring the corrections assignment and original test.