(for all math courses) 

You have to turn in four things every month (make sure you turn it in to the right place and on time...see this link):
  1. The cover sheet.  Make sure you fill out all parts of it, including putting checks in the boxes as you finish each assignment. 
  2. The notes.  The notes must be at least 2/3rds of a page, in your own words or with your own made-up examples.  
  3. The practice problems, as listed on the cover sheet.  Reminder: you must show work on all problems.

This assignment is NOT to be turned in as part of the month work packet.  It is:
The test corrections assignment.  The directions are always on the cover page of the test.  This assignment is always due at the end of the next month after students take the monthly test (to be put in a special box), or at the time a student retakes the exam.

  1. PUT THEM IN ORDER.  You must put the three things in this particular order:
    1. cover sheet on top,
    2. notes pages (or worksheets),
    3. practice problems pages. 

  2. EACH PART MUST ALSO BE IN ORDER BY TEXTBOOK SECTIONS.  For month 1, that means you put your notes in order by section numbers: 1-1, then 1-2, then 1-3, etc... and the same for the practice problems pages. 

  3. STAPLE THE PACKETDo NOT use a paper clip.  Do NOT put the work into a binder or folder.  If you find a staple does not go through the entire packet, come and see me for a trick I've learned to still do it, with a regular stapler.  (NOTE: if your packet is really big with a lot of paper in it, here are a couple of hints to help lessen the number of papers, if this applies to you: 1. Use the back page of each paper.  2.  Write a little smaller.  3.  Draw one line between problems, rather than leaving 2 or 3 blank lines separating the problems.  4, It's OK for a new section to start on the back of a piece of paper, instead of starting a whole new piece. 

  4. CORRECT HEADINGMake sure the correct heading is on each page.  Go to the FAQ page for details about exactly how I require you to do the heading. 

  5. KEEP NOTES OR HANDOUTS?  If you want to keep the notes or handouts to use while studying for the test, come to the classroom anytime except during a teaching class and show the completed notes to the teacher, who will record the notes being done and not have to keep them in class. You may then keep them at home permanently. 

  6. AUDIT FILE PAGE.  One page or one day’s work should be missing from these work pages, because you are supposed to give your supervising teacher one page of math at the end of the month. This paper is kept permanently in an “audit file” which can be audited by the State of California at any time to verify that attendance was assigned correctly for you. You must provide one sample paper for every subject; for math, just take any one page out (not a notes page; only use one of the math work pages) and do not make a copy for me. I expect one page or one day’s work will be missing (only one, though).  

  7. NO SPIRAL EDGES!  If you use spiral-bound notebooks, make sure when tearing out the pages that you cut off the spiral edges.  Your teacher marks down any work that has spiral edges left of them (the penalty is 11 points, which automatically makes A grades into B grades, or B grades into C grades.