1. Why do I have an F listed in my grade for the test corrections assignment when you said that I don’t have to turn them in until I do the retake test? 
2. Why the F when I earned 100% on the test?!?


1.   1. The F grade is a reminder. If I don’t put an F, some people will never get around to doing the corrections (or won't get around to retaking the test). DON’T WORRY: There is no late penalty for the test corrections if you do retake the test. As soon as you retake the test, I will change the test corrections grade to 100% (as long as you followed the directions about how to do the corrections). However, if you never come to retake the test, and therefore don’t do the corrections, the F stays as the grade for the assignment. 

2. 2.  Even if you have 100%, you still have to return the test to me, and on time. Just returning it to me (and writing "CORRECTED" as stated in the directions on the test) will earn you the credit. So return it! Put it in the box in room 3. NOTE: if you have 100% because of getting the bonus question right, and had a point or two off on some other questions, you do have to do the correction and error statement for those few errors anyway. 


a. If you’re not going to retake a test, you will earn a 20% late penalty if you turn in the corrections/error statements and test after the due date, even if you earned 100%. The due date is the last day of the next month. So just get the test back to me, quickly. This is NOT a hard assignment. 

b. If you are going to retake a test, there’s no late penalty for the test corrections/error statements…but this is a warning, that the longer you wait, the harder it gets to schedule a time and also do well…and you might have more retakes to do, and other work. It’s not a good idea to wait more than 2 or 3 weeks before retaking the test.